Thursday, March 10, 2011

*HOT* $0.50/1 Dole 4pk fruit cups in 100% juice!!!

My kids absolutely LOVE the Dole 4pk fruit cups that come in 100% fruit juice!!  And I love them because I know they're not packed in high calorie syrup!!  They actually taste better than the ones that are packed in sugar ladened syrup!!

If you'd like to save some money on this great product head on over to print your coupon for $0.50/1 Dole 4pk fruit cups packed in 100% fruit juice.  

And while you're at it, if you have a Kroger's in your area, they are sale right now 2/$5 and so if your store doubles, that's $1.50 ea. PLUS when I bought mine (4) 4pks the other day, I received a $0.75 catalina on my next shopping order!!

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